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Join date: Aug 10, 2018


Tami is a heart-centered, kind and accurate Healing Medium. It is her purpose in life to consciously help others reconnect & rediscover their soul, while being true to themselves. By creating sacred space she can guide you through your awakening process, while helping you mindfully navigate your inner voice.


With the ability to “See” & “Heal” she can assist you in the healing and translating of past lives, to better fuel your purpose in this one. Her gifts allow her to help guide you to find your true passion in life, while reconnecting you with your spirit guides. Connection and inclusion is her goal, so everyone can feel safe just being exactly who they are. With a community of light workers, healers & intuition for intuitives, self exploration feels a little easier. Self discovery is the most powerful way to expand and heal all of consciousness.


“Be the light you wish to see in the world”

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Tami Bensen

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