& Healing
The Soul's Compass
A virtual group learning experience to reconnect with your Soul & build community!

Intuition Development

Spiritual Learning

Letting in the Light
Understanding YOU, Your energy & how to navigate the world around you as an Empathic Being.
Become your own Oracle!
Group Energy Healing sessions
Chakras & Auras
Energy protection & projection
Understanding your "Clairs" Clairvoyant etc...
Shamanic Journey
Intuitive Practices
Soul Realignment, our group will explore various techniques and tools to connect with our inner selves and Spiritual Guides. Through interactive discussions, self-reflection exercises, and guided meditations, we'll uncover our passions, Intuitve gifts, and new excitment for life.
The Space
This indoor/outdoor event space is included in the pricing & boasts fabulous views in West Seattle. All events include Crystal shopping & AC. Street Parking is a breeze with additional paid spaces right across the street. Includes a full kitchen, indoor/outdoor fire place & private bathroom.
Packages start at $333
Courses & Series
Have you ever wondered if SPIRIT GUIDES are real?
Have you ever felt like you have a Guardian Angel looking out for you?
This includes a guided meditative experience channeled directly from Spirit Guides & Guardian Angels.
With the help of a professional Psychic Medium/ Quantum Living Coach Tami Bensen, we will go on a explorative journey together.
-Live channeling (Guided Meditation)
-Information on how to further grow your own Spirit Guide connection
-Private or Group (Phone or Zoom)
- Private session keep the recording that has been specifically curated by your Guides.


A thoughtful combination of 3 transformational experiences wrapped in one weekend.
Join us for a soulful experience of setting intentions and practicing self care through playfulness. We will use all of our senses to discover what it is we want for our Soul's vision!
Cultivating your inner vision
Hypnosis provides you with the truth because it works at the subconscious level. During hypnosis we will eliminate the ideas of what your parents want, we will bypass the ideas of what Society wants, and what you consciously think you should be doing. Only then, will you get to the core of what you TRULY want in your life.
Create your vision!
A guided intuitive journey combining playful creative expression and your sixth sense.
We will be guided in a heart centered meditative experience to access our inner voice. Tami Bensen will support a sacred space to allow everyone to create freely without fear, giving ourselves permission to enjoy this powerful tool of self expression.
Art in the dark exercise- Gain confidence and comfort in the act of creation!
Soul Collage/ Mixed Media - Create your Soul's vision
Crystallization of Intentions:
Receive guidance on how to most effectively write an intention that supports your truest desires. Experience how the use of crystals may hold and manifest your intentions.
Energy Healing:
Guided Shamanic Journeying experience with intuitive energy healing to align the Whole body to your soul’s purpose and create more space and openness to receive.
Who Am I?
a retreat to self

A thoughtful combination of 3 transformational experiences wrapped in one weekend.
Only when we remember who we truly are can be be certain of what we want. Join us for a guided experience of self realization and playfulness as we gain clarity on our Soul’s journey. Includes Hypnosis, creative expression, energy Healing and more….